


Get the Royale Treatment in Transit

Date:March 10, 2022
Get the Royale Treatment in Transit

gpk电子 is upgrading all its riders to Transit Royale, the new subscription in its official app, Transit. Our riders now have access to a free Royale subscription, which unlocks:

  • Additional features
  • Special gpk电子 branding
  • New customization options
  • And, complete access to the app across the more than 300 cities supported worldwide

In August 2021, Royale launched in cities where transit agencies had not already chosen Transit as their official or recommended app for riders. Today, gpk电子 joins systems across the country in gifting Royale to all its riders, with more agencies planning announcements in the coming months.

As the update rolls out, riders in Kansas City will see a screen informing them that gpk电子 is upgrading them to Transit Royale. From there, you can simply tap to redeem your free subscription.

With Royale, riders have access to power features such as customizable themes, as well as personalized emoji avatars that allow riders to become celebrities on their local bus line and leaderboards for users competing to help the most riders with GO crowdsourcing. gpk电子 riders will also be the first to access new features like Transit’s brand new schedule changes visualizer, ensuring they always have a cutting-edge app experience from gpk电子.

This partnership also unlocks the special ability for riders to switch the app icon and theme to match gpk电子’s branding – offering riders a world-class mobile app experience that is at once universal and locally-branded.

gpk电子 riders already use Transit to plan and track complete tripsThrough Royale, gpk电子 is working with Transit to provide a world-class app free of privacy-invading advertising.

“Since Guillaume and I started Transit almost a decade ago, our mission has been to help people get around without their own car. As the company has grown, we’ve always put public transit first, working closely with our partners across the industry to bring everything riders need together in one place,” said Sam Vermette, CEO of Transit. “By providing free Royale subscriptions to everyone who rides, we’re working hand-in-hand with our partners at gpk电子 to unlock the best app experience for riders.”

Transit is available in the App Store or Google Play, or by visiting

Transit Royale upgrade and welcome screen  Transit Royal theme picker